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Monday, February 2, 2009

Facts About Cheap DWI Car Insurance.

By Andrew Harris

After a DUI or DWI conviction, will you ever be able to find reasonably priced car insurance? You can, however you will need to be honest and expect to pay more than you used to before the conviction. Here are some basic tips and information to help you find the cheap car insurance you are looking for.

Finding the right car insurance for your coverage after you have a DUI or DWI can be a challenging and trying search. Many car insurance agencies will often desire to not insure you because you could represent a higher risk to them.

The main thing to remember is that you are no longer just a regular driver. Once you have a DUI or DWI conviction, you are now classified as a high risk driver. This will bump you into a higher premium rate and also put you are a higher risk of being dropped should you have a claim.

People make mistakes during life. It is the lesson that you learn during that mistake that can help or hurt your future. Car insurance is very similar as a DUI or DWI will reflect directly to your insurance rates.

You can expect to pay a premium when you find a car insurance company that will insure you. Sometimes people can expect to pay 50 percent more than they were before the DUI or DWI. This rate will also vary depending upon the rest of your driving record.

When you have a DUI/DWI conviction, you need to be honest with your insurance company. If you have a claim after a DUI/DWI conviction and have failed to notify the insurance company, expect to be dropped. As soon as you have a conviction on your record, you really should call your agent and explain the situation and see what will happen to your rates and policy coverage.

If you have been dropped by your previous insurance carrier, you will need to be upfront and honest with any company you are checking with about coverage. Car insurance companies can check your driving record and will check with your previous insurer about claims history and records. If you are honest up front, you might be lucky and find a good car insurance company to deal with.

Sometimes your current car insurance company will still continue to insure you after a DUI/DWI conviction. Your rates will be higher, however. This is when you should go ahead and shop around and see if you can find the insurance cheaper elsewhere. Sometimes you can find great deals online and even have car insurance quotes delivered to your email account.

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Type of property

By reklicom

Here's what you need to do...Promise yourself that you'll spend 30 uninterrupted minutes each day working on the marketing part of your mortgage business. Set aside a 30 minute block of time. Turn off your cell phone. Checking your email and surfing the Internet is not allowed. Answering the phone is not allowed. Out bound calls are allowed. Use a timer or alarm because clock watching is not allowed either.The next 30 minutes are your marketing minutes, so make the most of this time. Here are but a few suggestions on how to spend those precious 30 minutes:

Then, in 2006, a slowdown in real estate led to a deterioration of home values, an increase in inventories, and ultimately to today's tightening of credit guidelines, leaving many investors unable to sell or refinance out of their existing positions. Many Americans who had tapped into their equity were suddenly tapped-out and overextended as home values fell. Foreclosures followed in record numbers and a re-valuation of mortgage bonds and other financial instruments created the credit/liquidity domino effect we're now experiencing.

Unfortunately, it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. According to the latest estimates, over 2 million subprime and Alt-A adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) holders will face payment increases of up to 30%-100% when their loans reset in the next 2 to 18 months. These loans make up less than 40% of the total mortgage market, but the negative effects, as we have seen, of increased foreclosure activity can have a ripple effect throughout the industry and around the globe.

Borrowers with less-than-perfect credit: Each week it seems lenders are shedding more and more mortgage products. Many lenders have stopped offering No-Doc loans and are reducing all forms of Stated-Income loans. While it might be challenging, borrowers with credit issues need to see a loan expert. Often they have credit repair resources and other strategies to help you reach your financial goals.

There is no doubt that all of us have broken these commandments from time to time. Should you consistently break these Ten Commandments of Mortgage Marketing, you do run the risk of a mass customer and prospect exodus the world has yet to see.

Subprime mortgages have now been credited for bankrupting well over 135 lenders and seriously damaging operations at many major mortgage firms. They've reportedly wiped out 5 hedge funds, tens of thousands of jobs, and have led to millions of foreclosures with millions more on the way. And, as if that weren't enough, subprime mortgages are also blamed for massive volatility in the stock, bond, credit, futures, and real estate markets here in the US and around the globe. Some say losses in the mortgage securities market alone could reach hundreds of billions of dollars this year.

Thou shalt view all Mortgage Marketing material from the reader's point of view. It does not matter if you personally "like" what you have created. If your prospects do not respond to your ad copy, it is not doing what it should be doing. Always think like your prospects and give them what they want. Thou shall purge your marketing material of the old and the out dated, and replace it with the new and the refreshing concepts.

Thou shalt set aside time to build a web presence and spend a little time each day promoting your site and building your Mortgage Business. The Internet has come of age and you can either join and prosper as a result, or be left behind to ponder your demise.

Although I can't promise you a complete meal in just 30 minutes as does Rachael Ray on the Food TV Network...I can provide you a solution that can help with your mortgage marketing program and your loan originations. Especially, if you can't find enough time to really do your marketing. Set up appointments with mortgage prospects or customers,

Organize a drip marketing system using postcards for your niche, Touch base with the Realtor/Agents that you exchange leads with, Edit your marketing material such as your fliers or tri-fold brochure, Review and evaluate the results of the niche you are promoting and marketing, Study and determine the results you're receiving from your mortgage advertising.

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Bad Credit Could Mean No Student Loan For You

By Tim Beachum

Ask any high school senior what their credit score is and they will reply with a Huh? After all this response should be too surprising. Most high school seniors are to busy for trivial things such as credit scores and student loans. Then the flags go up when they find out that do to their poor credit scores they cannot get a standard student loan. This is the point where most students begin to get discouraged.

Instead of getting discouraged your first line of defense should be seeking a cosigner. Approach your parents, grandparents, friends, and even loved ones. Normally when you ask someone to cosign you are immediately met with rejection. Be honest and upfront let them know that you need help, and you would like them to cosign to aide in continuing your education. Chances are theyll be more willing to cosign for a college career than a car loan. Whoever it is that you do approach make sure that you have your career plans in hand. Do not approach an individual without an action plan.

If you do land a qualified cosigner this works out to your advantage. The financial institution will take the cosigners credit score into consideration. Thus landing the student a better loan with a lower interest rate. If a student has a poor credit score chances are this may be the best route for you.

Ok its a swing and a miss You give it your best shot and you still cannot find a qualified co-signer. You next best option for a student loan is to contact banks as well as other lending institutions. Your goal by doing so is to find out if there are any alternative methods of financing your education. Many times these lending institutions will have a high interest rate solution. I bet you seen that one coming a mile away!

Once you finally find a loan that works for your situation dont start to think about it to deeply. Thinking about those high interest rates is not where your focus needs to be at this point in your life. Look at it this way - most college courses take 4-5 years for a student to complete. This is more than enough time for you to reestablish your credit at which time you can refinance your high interest rate loan for one with a much lower rate.

There is one more option I would like to make you aware of. That option is known as a combination loan or a combo loan. What it does is allows the student to consolidate all of their debts and apply for one big loan that will cover everything. By using the combination technique chances are you will end up with a fairly lower interest rate.

I almost forgot about the Stafford Loan and the Perkins Loan. These loans are geared towards those that are having financial hardships

Please realize that at first all of this may seem a bit overwhelming. The truth of the matter is its nothing more than a mere numbers game. If you go on the Internet and apply for every student loan and scholarship program that you could find you would be astounded at the numbers. The fact of the matter is if you just continue applying for several scholarships and loans, I can pretty much guaranteed that at the end of the day you will be approved for a few of them at least. Whatever you do keep the faith and dont give up, who knows you may just get a free ride regardless of your financial situation.

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Humble Tips In Keeping A Bankruptcy At Bay

By Chris Channing

Bankruptcy, the act in declaring that one is unable to pay their bills, is no light decision. It means that, on average, one won't be able to make use of their credit or sometimes even get a job or living arrangement without difficulty for a period of 10 years. Obviously, avoiding a bankruptcy should be a top priority.

Spending money is most often the section of one's personal finances that needs the most attention. Shopping habits that have gone out of control account for many of the debts incurred today, and most of these poor habits come from younger adults who have little experience with how credit works. The worst part is, most of those in debt have multiple credit cards they use on a daily basis- which multiplies their debts. Obtain counseling if you aren't sure you can stop your habit, and try cutting your credit cards up for good measure.

There are financial aids that are available, sometimes for free if it is part of a government program. Financial aids will be able to ask credit companies and lenders for better deals, consolidate debts, or otherwise budget a consumer who has proven he or she can't do so. This is the best solution for young adults who haven't had the helpful guidance in finance topics from parents.

Interest rates are usually the culprit in making a circle of debt that seems like it can't be escaped. Refinancing an interest rate is always a possibility in this case. Refinancing allows a debt to update the interest rate to current market conditions, and thus, vast savings may be had if the sum of debt is large enough. This definitely helps out large debts, where a small change can mean epic changes in overall debt.

Debt consolidation is also another way to help get around debt problems. If money is owed to a lot of different credit companies and lenders, it is a hard time to figure out who to pay and who to delay. While this can usually be handled with a financial adviser, consumers themselves can haggle with credit companies to make custom payment plans. As consumers find, companies are usually fairly lenient in how they get paid as long as they do get paid.

Of course, spending money isn't always the problem in the equation. Making money, whether employed or not, is what should be targeted after expenses are lined out. obtaining a second job if employment is had is always a good idea. Otherwise, applying for government benefits of unemployment or disability can help alleviate the blow of debts that comes each month.

Closing Comments

One's options in paying off their debt is going to be unique to their individual situation. Talk to a lender or financial assistant for more information on getting out of the grasp of a growing debt.

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Tips In Becoming A Wealth Wonk In A Troubled Economy

By Chris Channing

The majority of the population isn't likely familiar with the way of life that a Wealth Wonk foregoes. Wealth Wonks are able to turn profits in the worst of economies, but not without effort and training. The path in becoming a Wealth Wonk may be a long one, but is every bit of rewarding as it is long. The prize at the end of the road far outweighs the time it takes to become financially stable for the rest of one's life.

The Wealth Wonks that have gotten where they are today have scaled mountains by making informed decisions on their investments. The perfect investment is going to be one that has a high return, little to no risk, and minimal investment. Interference from lenders or government operations should also be minimal if a concern at all. It's hard to find such investments in the real world, but investments should be compared to this perfect "meter stick" in order to judge a investment's worth.

Wealth Wonks also tend to make smart buying decisions that deal with credit. Banks and lenders are overjoyed to lend out the money they achieved through deposits, as they get a hefty interest return in the end. Wealth Wonks looking to make it big in the long run will, instead of obtaining loans to pay for something such as a car, save up the money and buy it outright. It may take a longer time, but it has been proven to dramatically increase one's chances at striking it big.

Jumping on the bandwagon isn't always a good idea, but it has proven to make some quite the pretty penny. Knowing when trends are going to falter and when they are just beginning is key in making money from following the crowd. A key example is in stocks, where many investors buy a stock as it starts to rise, and most will sell when it starts to drop. Obviously, holding onto a stock too long will result in certain negative impact on one's investment.

The proper Wealth Wonk isn't going to consider things in short-term effect: indeed, most are already planning their retirement funds by the time they reach their 20's. Planning is the key action here, in which all aspects of one's finances can be foreseen and accounted for. Thus, the intellectual Wealth Wonk is logical in what he or she invests in, and weighs all possibilities in each financial decision made.

To continue on the road of becoming a Wealth Wonk mogul, consider going to the local bookstore and buying books related to wealth building and personal budgeting. Also seek out information over the Internet, where a wealth of websites have been put together that offer different tips and opinions. Of course, the ability to hire a personal consultant is also a possibility too.

Final Thoughts

The principles of the smart Wealth Wonk can all be learned in a matter of weeks to months, and that's with extended practice in putting theory to work. To get started in building a better tomorrow, check into reading material and advice consulting in your area.

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Mortgage Company Lends Based Upon Debts/Income

By Van Whalen

To understand how much home you can purchase is really a function of the payment of the home, your income and your current debt load. To know these items you can plug them into a formula to help you make the determination.

Mortgage companies use two separate ratios to make this determination. The first involves your income relative to the house payment.

For any income determinants the mortgage company uses you gross income.

The front end ratio has to do with the house payment in relation to the gross monthly income. For government loans this ratio should be no more than 29%.

Conventional loans work the same way except their front end ratio raises to 33%.

To qualify for either type of loan you must qualify not only on the front end ratio but the back end as well.

Mortgage companies factor the rear end ratio in a simalar manner to front. The only real difference is instead of comparing income to just the house payment it is compared to the house payment plus all other monthly debt payments.

You garden variety conventional will all a thirty three percent back end. FHA, as much as forty-one percent.

It is pretty easy to determine your monthly debt payments. What isn't so easy for the non-mortgage loan officer to determine is the actual income.

A lucky few are fortunate enough to be on a monthly salary. You can count on that to come in and so can a lender. For others it is more difficult to determine.

Many people are on a 1099 as contract employees. Some are self employed and make a bunch of money but it doesn't necessarily show up on a tax return.

Others work seasonally and the list goes on and on.

If you want to get a feel for the least a lender will offer you for income would be to average your tax returns for 2 years and divide by 24. This will be a start if you fit into the latter categories.

It is a shame that mortgage companies require the use of tax returns like that. We all know you make quite a bit more money than what is shown.

Once you come to some conclusion here you should still seek the advice of a good mortgage lender. I wish you the best in your next home purchase.

Facts about a home equity loan

By Doc Schmyz

Home equity loans can be a great source of cash, especially if you have an immediate need for it. However, before you plunge right into the process of drawing out a loan out of the equity of your property; better study the aspects that involve this loan.

Are you thinking about getting a home equity loan? Home equity loans might be an easy to acquire type of loan, but somehow even a seemingly great deal might turn out to be bad if the process of getting one is not done right. Make sure you understand all the language used in the loan process.The more you know and understand going in the better off you are at spotting trouble spots.

Let us look at the following areas to better understand the "speak" used for this type of loan.


If you are charged 1 point, this would mean 1 percent of the loan. And so 1 percent of a 100,000 dollar loan is an up front charge of 1000 dollars. Do not worry, there are lenders that do not charge points.How are you affected by this? Most lenders charge a part of the loan for commissions for themselves and for their sub-agents. Actually such points vary from little to exorbitant; it all depends on the company.

Loan "rate" terms

You have to know if it is a fixed or variable type of loan. If it is a fixed loan, then you do not have to worry about external forces such as economic situations directly affecting your interest rate. But on the other hand, if you have variable type of loan, you may actually have an initial good interest rate. Interest rates that go up naturally makes your monthly payments go up too in the process. So what do you want " a home equity loan with interest rate that stays the same all throughout the duration of the loan, or one with the possibility of going up anytime?

Pre Payment penalties

Pre payment penalties are a fee that the lender places on you in the event you decide to pay of your loan early. These "pre-pays" can cost several thousand dollars in some cases. The reason for this is that by paying off the loan early, the lender will be missing out on the intrest payments you have agreed to pay over the life of the loan. (these interest payments are normally in the several thousands of dollars)

Late payment fees

Does a home equity loans interest rate go up with late payments? With many lenders, with delinquent payment, penalties usually follow. More so, there sometimes is a clause on default interest rate increase in the loan which raises automatically the loan rates when payments are late. This can actually be costly for the borrower.


One thing you want to check for is if the home equity loan that you are prospecting has insurance costs hidden somewhere, a cost that you definitely do not want. Whenever you get a loan, you can take in corresponding credit insurance. You can have credit life insurance, which takes care of your loan in the event that you die. However, if in the case of home equity loan, if you feel that insurance is just added cost, then by all means avoid the lender that requires you to pay for them.

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Holiday Homes Insurance: Getting the Best Cover, 4 Easy Steps...

By David Ball

If you are considering buying a second property as a future investment, it is worthwhile considering let your property as a holiday home or holiday let. You may do this for either short term monthly income, or you may decide to substitute the monthly income for long term capital gain. No matter which you choose, as with buying or investing money into anything of great value, you would be very wise to make sure that you secure adequate insurance for you holiday home.

There are many things to consider when it comes to choosing the right holiday home insurance. If your holiday home is located abroad or overseas, you may have different requirements than if your holiday home is in the UK. Your holiday property may have a swimming pool that is either covered or indoor. You may have external buildings that are included in the property, but may not be included in the average property insurance.

Usually most people decide to go for the cheapest insurance, as they believe there is very little, if any difference between insurance policies. This can be true for regular insurance policies, but with a specialist insurance policy such as holiday homes insurance there are often special requirements and unusual needs to be considered. And policies of this type can sometimes be a little tricky to understand. To be certain that you are getting the right policy for you, a policy that covers all of your needs, it is vital that you choose a specialist who has authority and experience dealing with this type of insurance. This way you can be certain to get the best cover.

Overseas/abroad is a favourite place for people to invest in a holiday property, with typical countries include Spain, France and Portugal. And when the investor visits the property and thinks about insurance, the temptation is often to use the local notary or broker for convenience. Be careful if you were thinking of doing this. Being local does not ensure that they are the best person to advise on holiday home insurance. If you decide to use a foreign broker, make sure their English is fluent and that they totally understand the complexities of holiday home insurance.

The language used with insurance policies is often long-winded, complicated and not particularly easy to understand. While this is necessary for legal reasons, this does little to help the average customer or person in the street gain a good understanding of their policy and coverage. An important aspect of your holiday home insurance is that your policy is written in plain English and is easy for you to understand.

Buying holiday home insurance should be simple to arrange, your broker should be fluent in English and an expert or authority in holiday home insurance and your policy should be written in plain English and should be easy for you to understand. If you follow these rules, you should be able to find a really good broker who can guide through the intricacies of holiday home insurance, and one who can find you a really good policy with great coverage and a good price.

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How to Use the Reverse Mortgage

By Matt Vanrock

Even though people calling me know I make money from them using me to get a reverse mortgage they still want me to tell them they are making the right decision.

The truth is the reverse mortgage is not a great decision for all borrowers. Situations are unique and they must be evaluated individually.

The reason most are calling me is that money is extremely tight. There are the exceptions who are looking for investment money but most need the money.

Generally speaking most are on social security and some form of pension, but others are still working and planning on retirement.

My concern is the worst case scenario. If someone really ran into a major financial need, like a medical issue, would they be able to handle it?

Lets face it life happens and we have to be ready for it. That means we have to be financially ready.

I know most of these folks will be getting the reverse mortgage with me. I simply advise that the funds are used in a prudent manner. Increased disposable income tends to get spent.

For most the equity in the house is their largest asset it may be needed for a vital reason. The point is once its gone these folks wont have another money source to draw on.

The point here is to use it as a last resort. If it is possible to keep making mortgage payments on a current mortgage it may be best to keep doing so and wait to pay it off with a reverse mortgage.

Some have their home paid off and simply want to add to their income. These folks should use a line of credit. By doing so a very small amount of interest accrues against the equity of the home.

Additionally, the unused funds in the line of credit will accrue interest for the borrowers favor. The net effect of this is increased borrowing power over time.

As a guy who gets people these loans I know they are a real benefit. However, they can be misused and I implore you to use them with care.

How Tenant Loans in the UK Can be Beneficial

By Mary Robust

An increasing number of people are becoming interested in tenant loans in the UK. For a long time, homeowners in the UK have been a bit derisive about tenants. Nowadays, however, the number of people who rent is pretty well equal to the number of people who own their own homes. As such, tenant loans are becoming an option for more and more people.

In short, tenant loans are a very specialized kind of loan. They are meant, of course, for people who rent, whether they are leasing houses or flats. Over the years, it has become much easier to get a tenant loan.

When you apply for a tenant loan, you do not have to offer collateral. In fact, you do not have to give anything in return. That is one of the main reasons that it is so easy to qualify for a loan of this type. Of course, you do have to realize that these qualifications make it an unsecured loan.

All the same, they are unquestionably advantageous. The best part is that all different types of renters qualify. Most notably, if you are a PG tenant, a council tenant, an MOD tenant, a housing associate tenant, or if you rent a room in your parents' home but do not own it yourself, you can get a tenant loan.

As with most everything else, however, there is a catch. In this case it is more like some qualifications you have to meet to be eligible. For instance, you need to have plenty of financial aid. Specifically, you need to be able to take care of your living expenses. This could mean being able to buy a car or to qualify for debt consolidation.

You also need to be at least eighteen, if not older, to qualify. You should be gainfully employed in a full time job, at which you make at least a thousand pounds. Not only do you need to have a checking account, but it needs to be a valid one with Direct Debit. You also need to be able to prove that you have lived at your current address for no less than twelve months.

One of the nice things about an unsecured tenant loan is that they are available to people with less than perfect credit histories. Most lenders of tenant loans have come to understand that they much be more realistic and their requirements of who they will land too.

As a consequence of this economic reality short-term money is more easily available to tenants in the UK. Your chances for approval are excellent.

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Dealing With Debt Collectors

By John Cooper

Unfortunately debt collectors are often less than ethical. This has caused the government to pass legislation to protect you from unethical collection methods.

If the debt you are being contacted about is accurate then you should ask for debt validation. We suggest you do this in writing.

Failure to ask for validation by mail will result in your validation being completely ignored. Additionally send your validation letter certified mail so you have proof that they received it.

If your debt is validated and it is within the statute of limitations of your state then you can negotiate payments. Limitations are often seven years from the date of delinquency.

When negotiating payment you should never pay the full amount. This is because your account has been purchased from the original creditor for pennies on the dollar. Thus we suggest you start your offer at 50% of the balance.

The agencies will always accept partial payment. This is because there only way to recoup the money they spent on your account is by accepting your payment or selling it for a fraction of what they paid for it to another agency.

When you agree on a settlement payment you should get in writing from them that in exchange for your payment they will not report any derogatory information to the bureaus. If you do not do this you will stop the phone calls, but you will have a whole new set of problems because of a poor credit score.

Also if you just pay the debt it will be reported as a paid collection. This is still a very bad mark on your credit report and will not improve your score.

I repeat you must get in writing that no negative information is going to be posted to your report regarding the debt. In a rare case that negative information has already been reported you must get them to agree to erase it from your report.

If you do not do this there is zero benefit from paying the collection. Additionally always pay with a paper check. FYI, you can actually use the memo line to repeat the contract regarding reporting to the bureaus, then when the check is cashed you will have a binding contract.

If you are being harassed by a collection agency you are not alone. Additionally they only can legally do so much. The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act says that a debt collector can not;

- Threaten legal action (arrest, jail)

- Constant harassing calls

- Call your job (once asked not to)

- Claim to be anyone they are not

- Threaten to sue (unless they are taking legal action)

- Threaten to garnish wages or seize property (each state is specific about what is legal, often a court order is needed)

- Call your neighbors or family members and speak with them about your debt

- Only call between 8am and 9 pm

- Call you after you have notified them that you will not accept calls regarding this debt.

Often these regulations are ignored. If you have been a victim you should report the agency to the FTC and the Attorney General. A majority of collection agencies have been fined because of violation of the FDCPA.

Also you can file a lawsuit against the collection agency and be awarded monetary damages. Make sure to keep all communications in writing in order to prove they are in violation.

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Before You Apply for a Student Loan, Get Some Basic Information

By Michael Geoffrey

It is easy today to obtain any type of loan, inclusive student loans. What is not easy is paying it back. Therefore, before you go for any type of student loan, ensure that you understand some basic truths about the process and its consequences.

Student Loan Information About Which You Should Be Aware

Before you apply for any student loan, be sure to ask yourself some important questions that will help you to make a well thought out decision. Start by asking, How much financial aid do I really need? and then What plan do I have to pay this loan back successfully?

Other important student loan information would be what the eligibility criteria for the loan are; where best you could apply for the loan; what is the time gap between the sanction of the loan and the repayment schedule of the loan; are there possibilities to earn while studying, etc.

As you can see these are questions whose answers make up the student loan information on the basis of which you would know whether it is okay to apply for that financial assistance or not. These questions would also tell you whether the process would be smooth or rough. As you answer to these questions you would understand what you should be prepared for and how to work out your way not only to avail of the loan, but most importantly for its repayment.

Repayment Conditions: Dont Ignore This Important Aspect

Statistics have shown that roughly six out of every ten college students in the United States have incurred serious debt because of student loans and the irresponsible use of credit cards that they have to start paying after graduation. A bad credit history or score is not something that anyone wants to deal with when they are starting out with a brand new career, family, or both.

It is important therefore, to ensure that you have the repayment plans laid out clearly and you abide by those plans. It is very difficult when you are young to practice financial discipline; however, beware of the consequence if you are not. When you need help with your finances, do not max your credit card; rather try finding debt counseling at your high school or college.

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Tips on Sending Money to El Salvador

By Chloe Banks

There are a variety of ways to send money quickly to El Salvador. The level of security, cost and amount of time it takes for money to arrive differ for each service.

In case of an emergency you may need to know how to send money as quickly as possible. It is important to know your options when sending money to El Salvador. The most pressing thing to remember is don't panic. Prepare now to have everything in place to initiate a transfer when necessary.

Often sending money online through services such as ATM Cash is the easiest and quickest way to get money when you need it. Services such as this allow you to send money 24/7 right from the comfort of your computer.

Another way to ensure a quick transfer of money to El Salvador is ensuring the recipient has an ATM or debit card. If the recipient is someone trusted, it's often useful for them to have a bank card linked to your checking or savings account.

If you are comfortable with the cardholder having access to your account at all time, they can have a card and PIN number to access cash through an ATM machine. If you do not want the recipient to have access to money at all times, a pre-paid debit card is a good solution. It works just like an ATM card except that it is loaded with a specific amount of money.

The cardholder will have no access to funds until you have refilled the pre-paid debit card. At this time you could notify the recipient via phone that money has been added to the card.

Opening an account with a bank that has branches in both El Salvador and the U.S. will also help facilitate easier transfers.

The above are some steps to ensure that money to El Salvador arrives quickly when you need it.

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