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Monday, January 5, 2009

Which Properties are Eligible for an FHA Reverse Mortgage

By Reverandmortgage Vanrock

There seems to be some confusion as what types of properties are eligible for financing with a reverse mortgage.

What one first must understand is that FHA insures the mortgage companies that lend money to senior home owners for reverse mortgages. With that in mind FHA makes all the rules.

FHA has always been considered the first time home buyer's mortgage. It's not really a mortgage. It's an insuring body for the mortgage and was set up in 1934 to increase home ownership.

FHA is not in the business of helping the investor as much as it is the actual resident who owns and lives in the property.

So, the first thing to understand, as a basis for understanding FHA insured reverese mortgages, is that the reverse mortgage is for owner occupied properties. Rental homes and second home do not qualify.

Now, does that mean their can be no investment activity or income from an eligible property? No, it simply means one must live in the property. one to four unity properties are acceptable if the owner lives in one.

What if the owner lives in the property and it is used as a bed and breakfast? No. FHA will not allow for any commercial purpose even if the owner lives on site.

Financing the home is one thing. Some people call with home and hundreds of acres looking for financing on all of it. This won't happen. Only house on typical acreage will be financed.

A good scenario is a house on fifty acres. It's not hard to find this in the outskirts of Dallas or Houston. If many local homes have sold on this much land, it can fly otherwise it won't. I the norm is 2 acres, 48 acres will be survey off.

Some people call them mobile homes. We'll call 'em manufactured. Mobile home really do move. Reverse mortgages work for manufactured if the home is post nineteen seventy six, 2 or 3 wide, and has an FHA approved permanent stem-wall.

Additional home types include townhomes, condos, and Co-ops.

Non-FHA insured reverse mortgages are out there with greater flexibility in terms of property types. Be careful of these. A system of checks and balances doesn't exist with these loans as it does with an FHA insured reverse mortgage.

Sucky Stocks Increase Reverse Mortgage Biz

By Rimj Vanrock

I understand the stock market may be down a little. What? Did you say 40%? Well I know it is somewhere around that figure.

Being in real estate I have kept most of my investments safely their, so you know I'm okay. Just kidding, I'm down even more.

With the stock market down as far as it is I'm getting a ton of calls lately from seniors desirous of getting a reverse mortgage.

Now the question I'm asking them is, "what do you hope to accomplish with a reverse mortgage?"

Most of these folks are running scared and are in panic mode.

It doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. I mean they already own the equity to the home. It's there's. What they perceive a reverse mortgage will do for them is convoluded.

Many have a sense of the loss of security and are looking to patch the proverbial net up with the reverse mortgage. I understand this, but is it a solid financial patch thought through rationally?

I doubt it. Others have more grandios plans in they wish to take out large sums from their equity to reinvest, either in the stock market or other investments. They believe we are at the bottom.

I have to admit I believe this second person is making a mistake. I mean, what is a good return anyway? 10%, maybe. Well, it will probably cost them over 6% to get the reverse mortgage.

I'm not a calculus major, but I can do some basic subtraction. If they are lucky they would get a 4% net return.

With the math working out the way it does it makes it hard to use a reverse mortgage for investment purposes unless you know something that is borderline illegal to invest in without being accused of an SEC violation.

Please relax a bit with this shakeup in the market. Your equity in the home is important. Use it when you need it. Cooler heads prevail in times like these.

Learn 3 Reasons Why Credit Repair Law Firms Are Scams

By David Wada

There are hundreds of law firms out there that specialize in credit repair. I may get sued for writing this, but its my opinion that credit repair law firms like Lexington Law are scams.

Let's say you have a goal to have perfect credit, meaning no negative entries and the highest credit score possible. Keep in mind that often these law firms can do a great job, but there are couple major problems.

Problem #1: High Monthly Charges

In addition to set-up fees that average $99 at one of the most popular law firm, the monthly charges can be anywhere from $39 to $79. If their services only took one month, and believe me the 'true' process doesn't take more than a couple of days, then you would only be charged $39 to $79. The problem is law firms are in for business and their perspective is the longer they take to repair your credit the more money they make. This is why credit repair services usually cost you between $567 and $2,000 to get your credit fixed. This is why they are getting very, very rich.

But even that much would be worth it, wouldn't it? If they fix your credit for you? But how much sense does it make to pay $2000 or even $500, when you can get the same benefit from credit repair programs for less than a hundred bucks?! Well, you might say that your time is valuable and it's worth it to pay someone to do all the work.

Problem #2: You Do Most Of The Work Here's a dirty little secret with credit repair law firms. You still have to do most of the work yourself. More work, in fact, than when you use credible repair programs. Here's why:

First of all, you have to sign all kinds of paper work and Power of Attorney forms just to start the process. Some of these forms even require you to get your signature notarized. So the sign up process alone can take hours.

Then, you have to order your own credit reports from the credit bureaus.

Then, the credit bureaus are going to send the reports back to YOU, not to the law firm.

Of course, you then have to re-send the same letters to the law firms so that they have them for the records and making sure you make copies for your own file too.

Then, the law firm is going to scan your credit reports into a computer, and post it on their website.

Then, believe it or not, even with all the money you're paying the law firm, you still have to go to their website and choose for yourself which items you want to dispute and even how to challenge each negative credit item. You heard me right. When I hired a credit repair company, hoping they would take care of my credit, I had to choose which 'items to question' and know which items were errors. I wanted to protest, "How am I supposed to know? That's why I hired a professional!"

The law firm then takes the information you put on their website and create a standard dispute letters that they send to the credit bureaus.

Finally, the credit bureaus will still send all correspondence to your home address. So you will have to open every letter, read it, figure out if it's important, make copies of it for your records, and then put it in another envelope, address it, stamp it, and send it back to the law firm. You might have to do this five or six times every week.

So you can see how inefficient this process is. And because all of this takes so much time, the process drags on and on and the law firm just keeps making more and more money. In fact, credit repair law firms tell you that it can take a year, two years, or even three years before you reach your goal.

Problem #3: Forget about their crappy guarantee All they have to do is improve one item, such as a credit card inquiry, and they consider that they've done their job. Really! There's no money back even if 90% of your credit report is still negative after three years and $2000.

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Using Guaranteed Student Loans To Pay For College

By Trinity Foster

So youve decided you want to go to college, but you arent sure how you are going to pay for it? There are several different scholarship and loan options available to future college students. If you do need to borrow money, youll want to be sure you receive the best loan possible for you.

As you review your options for student loans, you will discover there is one referred to as a government guaranteed student loan. Just what does the guarantee mean? It means that the government backs the loan for the lending institution who is offering the loan.

The loans have been issued for almost fifty years. With these types of loans, the federal government takes on the responsibility for making sure the loan is repaid by the borrower. This makes the loan less risky to the lender so they sometimes more flexible with who they are willing to lend to.

Perhaps the best loan out there for students is the Stafford loan. The government will pay the interest while the student is in school on some Stafford loans and this provides the student with a healthy time line in which they can finish school without making payments.

Many students are able to stay in school simply because they don't have to make payments on these loans during school. Interest doesn't even compound because it's taken care of by the government.

The six months after school gives the student time to find a good job so there is a greater likelihood of being able to repay the loan in full. Historically, a subsidized Stafford loan was always called a guaranteed government loan.

However now, any loan, whether it is a subsidized Stafford or another loan, which is guaranteed against default by the government, is considered to be a government guaranteed loan. Subsidized Stafford loans are issued based on need.

So, if you dont qualify, there are still other government guaranteed student loans you can receive. They continue to be the safest way to borrow money for school.

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By Rob Kosberg

Your marriage is about to dissolve in the divorce court. This is a tremendously emotional time in the lives of both partners. Both will need to learn about how financial issues affect each partner. You may want legal advice to help you with these issues.

Finances should be worked out, if at all possible, before the divorce is completed. Credit reports for each partner need to be secured, examined and fixed so that both reports are accurate. When you examine your finances you will e able to see what credit issues need to be decided.

If you are jointly responsible for a home mortgage, you may want to sell the home to a stranger. You can also sell the home to your partner. That makes the mortgage no longer a joint responsibility.

Other decisions will include car debt, loan debt, credit card debt, etc. Such decisions are difficult, but necessary to avoid credit problems post divorce.

When credit cards are in both names, get them changed to one name only. If this is not done and payments stop (even though one of you has been deemed responsible), creditors can come after the other partner. This can lead to going to "collection" and numerous unpleasant collection calls. Eventually this situation can lead back to court battles. You should know that the poor credit of one partner can affect the credit of the other.

Figure out all cash assets and how these will be divided. Do the split, close any joint checking and savings accounts and open accounts in individual names. No one can get to the other's money.

It would be very positive if all joint debts could be paid even if some things have to be sold. This would ensure that each partner is responsible for his/her own debts. You want to move on with your life knowing that your financial base is secure albeit smaller than before the divorce.

Financial arrangements will be specifically written into your final divorce decree including the responsible party for debts. However, if any joint debts remain and the decreed responsible party defaults on payment, creditors may still seek payments from the ex spouse. Take care of this possibility.

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Erase Bad Credit

By John Cooper

If you have bad credit there is hope. You do not have to wait seven years for bad credit items to naturally fall off your credit report.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act says that you can dispute any item that you do not believe to be accurate on your credit report. It also says that any item that can not be verified must be removed from your credit.

For you to dispute an item you must create a dispute letter. You can do this yourself or you can hire a service to do it on your behalf.

Upon receipt of a valid dispute letter the bureau will investigate the item. They will ask the creditor to verify the account, the balance and the dates of delinquency.

If the creator is unable to verify the account then it must be deleted from your report. The easiest items to remove have been learned to be a charge off, repossession and a late payment after they have aged for two years.

This is a result of these lenders having received some form of payment. For example a charged off account has likely been sold to a collection agency. Thus the credit card issuer has no reason to save your account or records of it.

With judgments, bankruptcies, tax liens and recent delinquent accounts it is more difficult to remove these items from your credit. If you have one of these we suggest a service because they have more tactics they can use to remove an item.

A service can use more advanced methods to remove an item if it is verified by the lender. A service can use; creditor direct intervention, escalated dispute information requests, and debt validation.

You can help your score by building positive credit too. This can be done by opening a new revolving line of credit such as an unsecured credit card. This will help you create a positive payment history and improve your available credit to debt ratio.

In sum, you should not wait seven years for credit repair to occur naturally. You can take steps today and rebuild your score.

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Pay Off Your Debt

By Michael Benifez

If you've decided that you are tired of constant calls from debt collectors, it's time to do something about your old debts. If you feel that you are buried under your debts and it is impossible to pay your way out of debt, you are not alone. When you find yourself in this situation, you should consult a debt counselor, who is trained to help people like you achieve freedom from their debts. They can help you get your debt under control. They'll also help you plan a budget that you can stick to, and teach you good financial strategies. Their advice can help you keep yourself out of debt once you are finally debt-free, because you'll learn good spending habits in the process of reducing your debt.

Other choices when you find yourself faced with extreme debt are filing for bankruptcy, or trying to find a loan to consolidate your debts. Compared to these choices, debt counseling is an excellent alternative. If you file for bankruptcy, your credit rating will be ruined for several years. In some cases, you may even risk losing your personal property by filing for bankruptcy. This is a serious undertaking, and it should not be taken lightly. Bankruptcy should be your last resort if nothing else works to get you out of debt.

For some people, debt consolidation loans can work for paying off their creditors. However, the debt will still exist under the new loan, and many people do not alter their spending habits, landing right in the same place again increasing the stress caused by debts. Plus, because debt consolidation loans are offered to people considered high-risk, they sometimes require the use of collateral. If you are unable to repay the debt consolidation loan, you will lose this property.

Unlike these two often-used options, professional debt counselors work with you to create a repayment plan you'll be able to follow. They will also help you create a reasonable budget, so that you'll be able to find the money to pay back your creditors. It won't be easy, but with time you will pay off your debts. Then the phone calls will finally stop. Plus, you'll have the tools to keep yourself out of financial difficulties in the future. Many people fall into debt because they do not have a budget that they can stick to. By going through a debt counselor, you will be able to plan a budget that will keep you from overspending.

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What Are No Teletrack Payday Loans?

By Chris Novaczek

Sometimes people who need a payday loan will look for what is known as a no Teletrack payday loan. No Teletrack payday loans are loans in which the lender doesn't pass the applicant's data on to the company known as Teletrack. What Teletrack does is measure risk for the lender. Since sub-prime borrowers are not always the most reliable in terms of repaying loans made them, it is in the payday lender's best interest to use Teletrack. Information which is verified usually includes rental history, court/bankruptcy records and employment info.

Since many people who need a payday loan obviously will often have bad credit records, they may look to subvert the Teletrack system. Even though the Teletrack system most likely allows leniency for individuals with bad credit, some may assume that it does not. On the other hand, obtaining a loan from a lender who offers no Teletrack payday loans is not guaranteed if the applicant's records show they might be unable to repay the loan. Since there are no guarantees a person will obtain a loan regardless of whether a lender uses Teletrack, the best course of action is to just apply and see if you are approved.

Teletrack is not the only way of verifying an applicant's identity. Other ways a lender might determine eligibility is to check their references and to verify their bank account and employment information. Of course when a lender does this verification, they will not tell your employer or bank that you are applying for a payday loan. Going through this process gives the lender reassurance that you will be able to pay off your payday loan without using Teletrack. It may cause you to consider your privacy, but if you need a no Teletrack payday loan, this verification process is really a requirement.

Online no Teletrack payday loans can generally be acquired in the same way as a regular online payday loan. Payday lender websites will usually have a one or two page form which will require you to fill out all the necessary information. Sometimes the forms will have extra fields which are not required. It's recommended to fill out the non-required fields as well since this will increase your chances of securing a loan.

It may be more difficult to get a payday loan with bad credit, but it is certainly possible. If you're having a hard time getting a payday loan online, you just need to find a lender who offers loans with no Teletrack. You will be hard pressed to find such a service in a traditional payday store, so your best option would be to find a lender online. It should not be too difficult to find a willing lender in the competitive online market. Search around and you should find one in no time!

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Bankruptcy Assistance Help

By Pete Thomas

2009 is a year that we will face bad economy, and with little sign that things are going to change any time soon, many of us have had to control our money and may have to take drastic measures! The fact is that you may very well find yourself in financial debts and not see a way to making repayment. Many times, one of the first solutions that should come to mind is bankruptcy. Remember, though, that it is not really as easy as it may look. When considering bankruptcy, keep in mind that bankruptcy assistance is something that you need to look in to.

When you are thinking of bankruptcy assistance, take note that bankruptcy is actually not a simple procedure. There are 6 different chapters of bankruptcy that are regulated under the New Bankruptcy Laws, and though you will usually find that you are in a position to file for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, there are still many areas to consider. Unless you have some bankruptcy assistance on your side, you may fall into a trap of long term payments and be forced to be tied in deeper financial woes; all this, and your credit score will be trashed too!

If you are confirming with bankruptcy procedures, note that you do not necessarily want to go ahead on your own. Many people who file without professional help, and in many ways, they regretted not looking for assistance. When you are in a position where you are looking to move forward and to make sure that you are getting the results that you need from your bankruptcy, don't leave it to chance.

When you are able to get reliable bankruptcy assistance, you will be in a situation to stop and really consider other options. Will you able to get out from under all of your debt free and clear, or are you going to have to stop and see what sort of payment plan needs to be set up? It will make a big difference when it comes to filing, and once it is done, you will find that most amatuers are not in a favorable position to make these choices by themselves.

Whether you understand that bankruptcy assistance is the only way out, or still procrastinating on the idea of whether bankruptcy is for you, you will realize that this is not a choice that you want to go through on your own. Finding a local expert who can make you make the right choices at this crucial position is something that is quite significant, and if you want to make sure that this is the resolution that you don't come to regret, it is important to find assistance fast.

Getting reliable bankruptcy assistance can help you get around this trying period and come through it relatively unscathed.

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6 Powerful Easy Tips for Saving Money.

By Finance-Experts-Team

It does not matter if you are a beginner or an expert business owner. In both cases, you need to organize your financial work which might be a non-easy job for you. In an effort to help you, here are 10 very easy-simple remarks; yet very powerful tips for saving money, arrange your financial stuff, and partially eliminate the stress of your business.

1. Put and Arrange Your Bills in a unique and Well Known Place.

Aggregating all your bills and the financial related documents in one unique and well known place is typically considered as one of the most important tips on how to save money. If you do not do so, you may loose a bill which leads to a late paying and, therefore, your credit rating is going to suffer.

2. Pay Your Bills on Schedule.

One of the easy ways to save money is to simplify your payment process if it's done at scheduled times during the month. Depending on how many bills you receive, you can establish set times each month when none of your bills will be late.

3. Reading Your Credit Card Statement is a Must.

It is really amazing that almost every one likes to enjoy the benefits offered by low interest credit cards, but they never read their statements when they have to pay back the bill. Credit cards involve the risk of starting by low interest to attract your and thy gradually raise the interest. Therefore, a wise recommendation of a money saving expert is always to read your statement before you pay and change your card if the interest is always getting much higher.

4. Automatic Payments Offer an Advantage that you Must Benefit From.

When it is coming to tips for saving money, automatic payments option must be your strategy. Most banks offer a way to automatically deduct money from your account to pay creditors. In return, the creditors usually offer a lower interest rate when you sign up for this payment option because they get their money faster and on-time.

5. Get Overdraft Protection.

Here is really one of the easy ways to save money which is the necessity to avoid over drafting your bank account. Most banks have a service where, if you run the risk of bouncing a check, the money will come from another source in exchange for a nominal fee, which is any way less than the fee you have to pay if you did not pay the check on time. Call or visit your bank to learn about this feature.

6. Never Ignore to Consolidate Your Accounts.

If we consider here powerful tips on how to save money, then we can not ignore the fact that having diverse credit card accounts, or bank accounts would make you suffer from guessing for a long time about the different interest rates you have to face, payment schedule, etc. Therefore, a nice idea is to aggregate all these accounts in one list and to see if any consolidation is possible.

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There Are Worse Things In Life Than Student Loan Debt

By William Blake

The negative effects of student loan debt on recent college graduates have been well reported on. There are things, however, which can be much worse. The current state of the American economy is driving up the price of literally everything, including a college education. Some unscrupulous people may present opportunities to you, giving advice on how to eliminate all of your debt related to student loans. Beware of such advice and remember that there are real, honest ways to get rid of your debt.

Interest Rates and Averages

The average student loan debt for individuals who had graduated from college after having studied for four years was $20,000 in 2006. This can be a rather intimidating statistic, and some students feel that having to start to pay off such debt just six months after having graduated from college will be too much to handle.

The sad reality of the matter is that anyone who has been born into a modern American or European household has been doomed since the day they were born to pay immense amounts of taxes to the government of the country where they live. In fact, you should feel better when you think about how insignificant student loan debt is when compared to the debt people get into when they purchase a home.

Financial institutions will always try to charge you an interest rate on any loan as high as they possibly can, especially at first. This is because the bank earns money by means of the interest they charge. As times go by, however, the bank will become more willing to lower your interest rate.

Your Situation Is Not Hopeless

There are always things you can do to negotiate a lower interest rate. This is even better when you have had a job for a while, as you can prove that you are a low-risk borrower. But you can always contact a debt management specialist at any point of your life. These are often non-profit organizations that will offer you money management classes as well as a consolidation loan.

A $20,000 student loan debt, believe it or not, isn't that much. You can conceivably pay it off in comfortable monthly installments in about five to seven years. That's a lot shorter than a mortgage. You might be even rewarded with a refund if you are able to make more than your minimum payment per month.

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The Bad Credit Special Loans.

By Denzel Abintenk

Many of the citizens are able to take delivery of bad credit loans after filing the bankruptcy, often almost immediately as thirty days time period next the release of the bankruptcy. a lot of companies have set up a high quality marketplace presenting these loans, knowing a person cannot declare bankruptcy for a at least of seven years following the bankruptcy release. This opens a novel market for a number of lenders will to take a likelihood of citizens with a bad credit score meaningful they have legal alternative to recoup the quantity of the loan.

Even though the majority customary lenders just will not grant bad credit personal loans after bankruptcy there are many lenders that come to blows over the market. Even by means of the counseling supplies of bankruptcy on monetary organization and liability, at present is no law that require those declare the bankruptcy to go after any suggestion made for the duration of the counseling. Follow the discharge of the bankruptcy, persons are free to search for bad credit personal loans after bankruptcy at whatever time they choose.

even though bankruptcy records are released to the public, and their accessibility is often seen as an uncomfortable punishment for ignore past accountability, the accessibility of the bad credit individual loans after the bankruptcy has a lot of taking that road to get out from beneath a serious debt load. still with the novel laws there are those who carry on to pile on debt and file for bankruptcy each seven years or as almost immediately as the law permits.

There Are No Laws to Govern For People Who Apply For the Bad Credit Loans

at the same time as a lot of laws exist over who can present bad credit personal loans after bankruptcy and the interest rates charge for them, there is no laws leading who can apply for them. yet a person who has manifold bankruptcies in their earlier period are free to seek financial help where on earth they can find it. in spite of the considerably higher cost of bad credit personal loans subsequent to bankruptcy citizens often flock to the lender presenting such loans.

a small number of, if any of the lenders presenting the bad credit personal loans to consolidate debt after bankruptcy have need of any type of guarantee for the money, still meaningful there is a good chance the loan will go into non-payment, the alternative obtainable, counting wage garnishment, make them a money-making business. When a human being default on bad credit personal loans after bankruptcy a court-ordered reimbursement is characteristically approved for the amount of the loan and whichever expenses linked with collect the loan.

over and over again the cost of collection approach the sum of the initial loan along with courts costs, like the attorney fees and collection agency fees, all charged to the delinquent the creditor. This add even more to the charge of obtain bad credit personal loans after bankruptcy is filed.

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The Truth About Guaranteed Payday Loans

By Trinity Thomas

Guaranteed payday loans are temporary loans that are designed to get you to your next pay check. Getting a loan of this type is very easy and fast, in fact you can usually secure funds within one business day. You can often secure funds on the spot, as long as you are trying to get the loan in the store, as opposed to online.

If you decide that this is the way you want to go about securing some extra funds, make sure that you live in a state where it's legal. There are multiple states in the U.S. that don't allow this type of lending.

The amount of interest you can expect to pay with loans of this type is generally about ten percent of the loan amount. Since the loan term on these loans is generally only two weeks, that's a lot of interest.

Before taking out a loan of this type, make sure that you figure out how much you can reasonably pay back on your next pay check. Being late to pay these loans back can cost you some serious cash and the last thing you need is to dig deeper into a financial hole.

Some lending institutions will ask you to write a post-dated check covering the amount borrowed and associated fees. It is still your responsibility to go to the lending source in person by the due date of your loan and pay back the money. However, if you are negligent and dont pay back the money in person, they will most likely cash the check you left as collateral.

In order to avoid a ton of extra fees, make sure that you can pay back the loan on time. People often end up paying late fees, and sometimes bounced check fees from their banks because they don't have the funds to cover the post dated check.

If you want to take out a guaranteed payday loan, getting one is now quicker than ever. You can apply online with most lending institutions. You will need to input some simply personal history and information. Part of what makes the turn around so quick is that if you qualify, most places will deposit the money directly into your bank account. It just might be the best answer to your financial troubles.

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Frugal Spending Ideas

By William Blake

In order to live a thrifty life, you need to know more than just that you need to save money. It is also essential that you spend your money wisely. Consider the following ideas about what a frugal person can do with the money that they have worked hard to save.

Make a list of your needs, wants and desires when it comes to your finances. Include any estimates that you may have (or use guesstimates if you have nothing tangible to go on). Be sure that you number them in the order of importance. Then start tackling your dreams one at a time.

Paying more than the minimum payment on your mortgage each month or even just making one additional payment each year could mean that your mortgage gets paid off in half the time that it would if you always paid the minimum. Doing so will also save you lots of money in interest. When you make such additional payments, make sure that the money is being deducted from you loan's principal. Once you have the mortgage paid off, you can use the money you were accustomed to spending on that on whatever else you want.

Money you have been saving can be spent on home repairs and projects that you have long wanted to do. Some such projects might be simple, do-it-yourself jobs while others will require that you hire a professional. Money spent on making your home more beautiful will certainly be well spent.

Buy a newer pre-owned car. Even if your current vehicle is in good condition, you can get a newer pre-owned one. Your old car can be donated to a church, charity, or friend. Remember, though, that a newer car will be charged more in insurance payments.

Go on a dream vacation. If you plan your trip during the off season, you will be able to do more with less money and thus enjoy your vacation even more than you normally would.

Even though been frugal does mean saving money in case of unexpected costs, it also important to enjoy the benefits that come from working hard to save your money. Thrifty people should also save some money with the intention of using it to enjoy themselves in some special way.

Your success as a frugal person needs to be honored. Using your savings (that are set aside just for such a purpose) is a great way to keep your motivation for the frugal life up at its highest.

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