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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Cavalry Portfolio Services - How You Can Remove From Credit

By Justin Hutto

To remove a negative mark from Cavalry Portfolio Services from you credit report you must dispute it. You do this directly with the credit bureaus.

You are telling the bureaus that you do not agree with the accuracy or validity of a mark when you file a dispute. Upon receipt of a valid dispute letter the bureaus will investigate the mark.

The bureaus will contact the creator of the mark and ask them to verify the account. They will then check the dates and amount of the debt.

If the mark is not verified then the bureaus must remove it from your credit report. Frequently an investigation will result in a negative mark being removed.

You can make a dispute letter yourself or you can hire a credit repair service. If this is the only bad credit item you want to dispute we recommend creating your own letter.

However if you have other negative items on your credit report we suggest hiring a credit repair service. A service will be able to use advanced dispute techniques in case the listing is verified.

Who is Cavalry Portfolio Services?

Cavalry Portfolio is a collection agency. They will purchase debt from financial institutions or they will work on a commission basis with an institution.

However they do offer contact information for individuals that want to comment about Cavalry and their collection methods. Most agencies will try to avoid customers and their feedback on their business.

They provide Todd Tipton as a contact his email is and his phone number is 918.665.5686. They claim to work with their customers to come to an agreement for repayment.

There are times when an account will go to collections due to a lender mistake. This is not uncommon and you will start getting communications from a collection agency.

You will not be able to explain to them that the lender made a mistake. Instead you will have to dispute the negative mark with the credit bureaus.

In sum a negative item from Cavalry Portfolio can be removed from your credit report. You can dispute this mark and erase it.

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