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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Verifying if the Credit Repair Company You selected is Safe


There are many ways you can avoid scams when it comes to credit repair. You should always confirm the company is legitimate through the Better Business Bureau, the contract has nothing funny in the fine print, and you are not made impossible promises.

Some credit repair agencies that scam people will make impossible promises. These promises may be that they can have things removed from your credit entirely if you pay a certain amount of money. No amount of money can remove anything from someone's credit report. Time is the only thing that makes something go away from credit. Most debts stay on a credit report for seven years.

If you pay the debt off entirely it will still remain on your credit report. The item will show as paid off and will reflect less debt you owe, but it cannot be permanently removed from your credit report earlier than the seven year time frame. If a business makes promises to you like this they are unrealistic and chances are good they are a scamming business.

One of the best ways to avoid a credit scam is by fixing your credit on your own. You don't have to hire a business to help you. All you need to do is get copies of your credit reports from the three major bureaus. You can slowly pay off your debt on your own. This will allow you to manage your credit and your debtors on your own. If you feel that your debt is not out of control and you can handle the harassing phone calls then go for it. Repairing your credit is one of the best things you can do. Fixing your credit on your own is the best way to avoid being scammed.

If the credit repair company tells you that you need to do something that doesn't seem legal or right to you it is important to back away. Don't ever falsify documents, create fake business ID numbers or do anything that doesn't feel right. Be sure the company you are working with is working straight by the book so you can repair your credit properly.

There are many things to think about when you want to avoid being scammed in repairing your credit. The best ways to avoid a scam include repairing your credit on your own, paying close attention to the company and being very clear about what your rights are. Educate yourself. Don't go with any company that makes you feel uncomfortable in any way. Read all of the fine print before you sign a contract and be comfortable with who you choose to help you repair your credit. These things are very important.

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