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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Correcting Mistakes and Adding Credit Explanations

By Ricardo Mendiola

Mistakes happen all of the time. You might have bills listed on your credit that you know are not items that you are responsible for. It is important to have these things removed. If you have items that look really bad and you are responsible for them you will need to pay them. However, you can explain why certain things are on your credit.

If you have errors on your credit they can lower your credit score. It can cost you a worse interest rate if you are applying for something and it can be very detrimental to your credit. Some people have the misconception that there is nothing they can do to remove items listed on their credit that they don't really owe. This isn't the case. There is something that you can do about it and you can benefit in many ways.

If you have mistakes on your credit report it is important to have them removed or fixed. There are many different types of mistakes that might appear on a credit report. You might show a collection where you owe more than you really do. An item may be listed that shouldn't be there at all. Your contact information may be inaccurate. Any error listed on your credit can be repaired and you must do something about it.

You don't have to hire a business to fix mistakes on your credit. You can do your own credit repair. The first thing you need to do is make a list of all of the incorrect items on your credit. You will have to write a letter to the credit reporting agencies listing the issues. You will need to write a letter for each individual error. You will also need to write a letter to each credit reporting agency that has the error listed on their report. That can be a lot of letters. However, you will find in the long run it will be well worth it.

When you write letters and dispute items on your credit the major credit companies will dispute the claim with the company listed on your report. The business will then have 30 days to provide proof that you do indeed owe the bill. They will have to provide something with your signature on it or proof of agreement that you entered into a contract with them and owe them the listed amount.

Errors on your credit score can disable your financial freedom. It is important to dispute items on your report. You will benefit from disputing items on your credit so they will be removed and your scores will increase. You might be one point to low for a better interest rate that could actually cost you thousands. Always correct errors and dispute incorrect items on your credit. You will see the items disappear from your reports and your scores will increase.

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