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Friday, February 27, 2009

Make a Budget for your Family

By Samantha Asher

Whether you've just started a family and are new to the lifestyle, or you have several kids as old as high school age, it's likely your finances could use some help. If you are in debt, aside from a mortgage, you need to make some changes. If you have no retirement plan because you think you can't afford it, you need some help, too.

Debt comes in all shapes and sizes. You could have car loans, small business loans, loans from family, credit card debt, or money owed from any type of financing.

In order to pay off your debt, save for emergencies, and contribute to retirement, you need to either spend less, earn more, or do both simultaneously. Of course, doing both will make the process much faster. Once you pay off your debt, you can move onto your savings goals.

In order to begin cutting back on your family's spending, you need to come up with a budget. A family budget will control the spending of your entire family, including both spouses. Both spouses need to be in agreement on the family budget.

If you make a budget and your spouse continues to spend more than you planned, your hard work will go to waste. Likewise, if you continue handing cash to your kids whenever they ask, not only will you be wasting more money, but your kids will never learn to work for their money. Make them get a job and start earning their money.

Your first step in planning must be to pay off all debt, aside from a mortgage. As long as you keep debt, it will keep on growing. Pay it off before it gets out of control. Also, you should set up a retirement account and start contributing as soon as possible. If you ever want to retire, you'll need to start saving now.

Some families struggle even though they feel like they don't spend much. Usually, once they really look at their spending, they see that they are over spending. Even just small things here and there can add up fast. For example, if you cut your cable bill down by $30 a month, you can save $360 a year. That's a lot of cash.

Cut back wherever you can. Shop carefully and look for discounts wherever you can. Cut out any bills you don't need. For example, one cell phone for the entire family is more than enough. Do you really need cable? Do your errands all in one shot to save money.

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