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Friday, February 27, 2009

When To Remortgage On A Self Cert Loan

By Chris Channing

A remortgage is when a home owner with a current mortgage goes to obtain a new mortgage loan in order to pay an older one. While this may seem redundant, it actually poses to save home owners thousands of dollars over the course of a mortgage loan. How to obtain then and when becomes the true question.

Mortgages that were obtained as a fixed rate mortgage, as many self certified mortgages are, aren't able to take advantage of interest rates that may fall in the future. To still get the benefit of a lower interest rate, home owners can still remortgage with another lender. Knowing when to get the remortgage may be tricky, since the market can be unpredictable at best. Consulting a loan officer usually gives a home owner a better idea of their situation.

Peruse your contract with your current lender to ensure that there are no early redemption charges. Such charges are used to persuade borrowers to stay with the current lender, and increase the current lender's profits in case the borrower still wants to go with a different lending company. Also check with the competitor, as some even offer cash-back bonuses that cover such frivolous charges.

When signing up for a mortgage or remortgage, there are often arrangement fees to be made. Competitive lending has usually done away with this fee, meaning that switching to a new lender isn't always as costly as one would think. This isn't to say that there aren't lenders out there that don't charge for such things, but rather that finding one that does is a good idea.

Unfortunately for the self employed, there will still be a lengthy interview with the new lender to ensure that one's dependability is on par. The fact that a borrower has already gotten the mortgage with another lender usually doesn't help one's case, so be prepared to present your case all over again to each lender you agree to meet with. This may include proof of paying bills on time, proof of good credit, or proof of dependable income.

One may remortgage as much as he or she would like. The fees associated with doing so will probably, at some point, make the remortgage a poor choice. This is why research on all aspects of a new lender is required in order to keep one's options open. If you have questions, never be afraid to ask- lenders may not lie or trick consumers without getting in trouble themselves.

Final Thoughts

Self cert mortgages will, if trends continue over a broad spectrum, continue to become more affordable to those who have ample proof to show their income and dependability. Keep your eye on rates from year to year, and never be afraid to take the plunge into a new lender when the opportunity presents.

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