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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Devise your own Credit Repair Plan

By Rob Kosberg

You have reached the point in your life that you realize that you need to make some drastic changes in how you manage your spending and credit before you reach the point of no return. You do not want to rush into "debt consolidation" or use a home equity loan. You need to have a plan that is worked out very carefully.

Round up all credit reports, bill payment and credit card records, loan and mortgage records. You can find debt worksheets on line that will assist with making your plan. Most likely sections of your planning will be occurring at the same time.

Make sure your credit reports are accurate. This may involve some written communications with one or the other of the three major credit bureaus. Be persistent.

Put in writing all of your financial obligations. You will be particularly concerned with credit cards and perhaps small loans. List the cards with highest to lowest interest rates in order, and the minimum payment for each card.

After this, you are going to look at the picture of "disposable income" and "discretionary income." What are these? You have a certain amount of your salary that pays for your necessary expenses such as loans, utilities, mortgages, insurances, and credit cards. This is disposable income. Subtract the total from salary and this is discretionary income which is the amount you have to assign to reducing debt.

Determine which credit cards and loans you can pay down in order. For the first on the list, pay as much over minimum as possible. Pay minimum on the others. When the first is completed, apply that payment to the next in line and so on. This will be an ongoing money management strategy for a long time.

Commitment is definitely needed when you take on this major project. You will have to change your lifestyle. You have to stop living above your means. There will be no more unnecessary spending. Buy only essentials, eat at home, find alternatives to travel. The BIG MUST IS STOP CHARGING.

The bottom line of the situation is that you are responsible for creating it. There is no credit angel. You need to fix it and use smart money management techniques to maintain your repairs.

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