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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How Does Closing Your Credit Card Account

By Amanda Somrekli

Are you sick of using your credit card and not getting any rewards for any of your spending? Well, did you know that there are arrays of credit cards out there that offer rewards from travel to getting cash back on your statements? Well, many people didn't know this and I'm going to show you how you can benefit from a card like this.

Keep a list of all credit cards and their appropriate contact numbers handy in case of theft or loss. Also, be vigilant in checking monthly statements to make sure all purchases on a card are valid. Finally, though it may seem obvious, make sure you get your card back after making a purchase.

After getting their instructions you can do some small payments and then ask them to provide you a balance statement, which you will give to the mortgage originator so he can run a credit repair through Rapid Rescore. This can restore your credit score within 3-4 days, or in worse case a week.

Of course you want to do everything in your power to keep your rating up and as high as possible. But getting rid of or closing a credit card account will only cause a possible drop in your rating or credit score. Make sure you get your copy of your personal free annual credit report online to check the status of your accounts.

Increasing your credit cards limits is one of them because this is something that will make your balance be below the 25-30% which is the minimum optimal balance under the limit. It is not probably the most favorable time for that, since banks are relatively strict with loans and cards, but in any case it's worth trying.

Unfortunately not many people take the time to choose the right kind of credit card for them. It is important to choose the best credit card that will fit your financial needs instead of just signing up for everything that comes in the mail. Many times those are the credit cards that will get you into trouble.

The gas credit cards are perfect for many reasons. The main reason is you can track your gas usage and cost, but also, you can use it right at the pump. Instead of waiting in lines at the registers, you can swipe your card at the pump and be on your way. If you think about it this way, the gas cards are a time saver as well.

In November 2007, the Federal Trade Commission released its 2006 report on the problem of identity theft in the United States. It is a problem that has special implications for credit card users.

Thus, concentrating on a few simple things will greatly enhance your chances of avoiding enriching the lives of strangers at your expense. For example, sign the card as soon as you receive it.

For instance, the Conoco gas credit cards can be used at Phillips 76 and the 66 gas stations. Some credit cards are open for any gas station. If you need a card for a specific gas station, you can apply onsite or on the Internet.

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