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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Do You Need A Bad Credit Personal Loan?

By Tyson Dangerfield

If you have applied for a loan before there is a good chance that you like many other people were denied and told that you need a bad credit personal loan. If this describes you then it is no fun but lucky for you it only seems like the end of the world.

If you fit the bill then here is what happened. You spent a lot of money and were bad at making your credit card payments. Whenever you do things like this you will be hurting your long term financial health. But here is what you need to do. Go get your statements from the credit cards and your banks.

To begin to fix your bad credit you first have to figure out where you are really at. Id your financial house in order? If not do a personal audit. Get all your bank and credit card statements. Then go and get a credit report.

Credit reports contain all of your credit history. They tell the good and the bad of everything that you have done financially. Ignoring the messages from your credit history will only worsen your situation.

When you are going over the credit report it is important that you find and correct any errors that it may have. Sometimes there are enough mistakes that you can fix the whole thing with a few phone calls. Typically however you won't be able to do this and you will also have to pay off some debts.

So when you don't fall into the category of credit errors you will have to pay off some of the worst debts first. Pay off the highest interest and smallest debts first. That way you can concentrate on what is usually the largest and most stable debt you have.

Now call the credit card companies that you still have debt with and see if you can get a better rate. Surprisingly enough this works more often then you might think. This will help you to avoid a bad credit personal loan.

After you have done everything you can to fix your credit you should apply for your loan. If it comes down to it you may still need a bad credit personal loan but hopefully you can avoid that. Now pay your debts on time and use less of it and next time you can get a better loan the first time you apply.


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