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Friday, February 20, 2009

Are You Looking For Medical Insurance?

By Tommy Hammerman

If you're out there searching for health insurance, you probably want a group medical insurance plan. This is the kind of plan that many are used to getting from a large company. For many years it was considered almost a guarantee to get this kind of insurance with any company you work with, but now with the way things are in the world that is not always the case.

Because of the slowdown in the economy, many companies are trying to find ways to lower expenses and many health programs are getting cut back or discontinued. These changes are happening rather quickly and you need to do something right away to know your options. Make sure you have a backup plan so that you are not left without medical insurance.

If your employer does not offer a kind of group medical insurance plan, or you are self-employed, unemployed, or employed only part-time, chances are you are going to have to search for an individual medical insurance plan, and that can be a daunting task. Finding an affordable individual medical insurance plan can be quite the scavenger hunt.

That being said, the two most popular kinds of health insurance are still through a traditional employer or some kind of organization that you are a affiliated with. These groups can offer insurance plans including medical, life, homeowners, and auto to their members. Companies like club membership programs have these kinds of options.

If you belong to one of these kinds of organizations, read up on their policies about group medical insurance plans. Usually, what happens is you fill out an enrollment form, and your organization's human resources department takes care of the details. You get your paperwork usually in the mail, and can start to take care of those benefits right away.

There are two main kinds of medical insurance plans. The first kind is a fully insured medical plan in which an organization pays for all of your health-related needs. You are probably familiar with this type of plan. Basically, you pay your monthly premiums, and then visit the doctor and pay a co-pay. Anything that's covered in the plan over and above the co-pay is handled by the insurance provider.

The second type of tile there is considered a minimum premium plan, or MPP. This kind of plan and those benefits in a similar way to car insurance. Basically you have a deductible and you pay everything up to the deductible. Once you exceed the deductible the insurance plan picks up the rest.

With a minimum premium plan, you may be offered a basic coverage group medical insurance plan, a major medical coverage group insurance medical plan, or a combination of the two - a group medical insurance plan that offers both basic coverage and major medical coverage. Over time, we will probably start seeing a lot more of this kind of medical insurance plan.

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