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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Talking Your Way to a Better Remortgage

By Troy Cruz William Engle Dawn Khoury James Nissen Robert Hill Chris Laning Janet Taylor Jack Enders Bruce Gross Rick Bean Keith Wood Ray Johnson Alex Velez Juan Hines Paul Holtz Kenya Rios Peggy Dye Lucas King David Hebert Karl Howell Jarrod Lucky Ruth Coats Doris Lund Ryan Hudson Henry Bush Lonnie May Arlen Bell Wanda Kuebler Kevin Stiles Nick Horton Jorge Pina Frank Vera Chad Copp Fred Brod Jose Cruz Jeremy Stanley Mark Jones Kelly McMahon Barney Bernard Ailleann Alan

Finding a good mortgage deal is difficult to do and no one is ever going to dispute this. If you want to find a good remortgage deal you are going to have to talk your way into it. If you want to save a lot of money and get a great remortgage on your home, you are going to want to follow these tips.

Find out what your current situation is. It is important to find out what your current mortgage's interest rate is and how much of each dollar that you send in is currently going towards the principal of the loan. If you don't have your loan stubs handy, you can check the Internet for a calculator that will figure out the numbers for you. When you see how much of your payment is going towards the interest and not towards your loan you are going to want to learn how to bargain.

You are going to have to set up appointments with some banks. Use the first bank as a practice bank and try out different strategies to getting a great deal on remortgaging. This bank should also tell you how much you are going to be able to negotiate with the future banks. Don't use the most promising bank as your test bank. The purpose of doing this is to see what you can talk your way into and what banks will say to your style of negotiating.

Look at your offers. Now that you have seen several different banks, found out what their best deals are and tried to talk them down a bit more, you are going to want to show them what you got from the other banks. Use the other banks quotes to see if you can drive the fees or interest rate down even more. You may find that they will match the best bank's offer and throw in something extra to beat it. Banks are going to want your business, especially if you have good credit.

Play hard to get. After meeting with a bank, they'll often have someone call you and pressure you into choosing them. If you play hard to get and tell them that you are still meeting with other banks, they will be more likely to keep giving you better and better deals. The first time they call, they will often give you a better deal than what they offered you in person, the second time they call they might throw in a free gift and the third time they call you might even get a spectacular deal. By holding out and seeing what exactly they will offer you, you are going to find yourself getting the best remortgage deal possible.

If you don't plan on bargaining, you are probably losing out on the chance to get a better remortgage deal. If you aren't going to do it yourself, ask someone else in your family to do it for you. Bargaining and talking with banks is going to be the best way to get the lowest remortgage deal out there.

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