Credit Counseling for Credit Repair
Although repairing your own credit is highly recommended, it is sometimes beyond what you believe to be our capability. It may be too emotionally laden and/or you may just not be able to buckle down and make the necessary money management changes without professional help.
When you open a newspaper or go online you will find an abundance of agencies with magical sounding claims about fixing your credit immediately if not sooner. You should be able to tell right away that such claims are nonsense. So, while you're surfing the net you notice that there are some claims to offer you a choice of agencies that, after you give them some of your information, will call you with help. They will call, but not right away. Then they will call again and again. Some may even b e nasty with you.
This third party choice will require some sleuthing on your part before you can comfortably make a selection. Comparison shopping skills are in order for this venture. Before you make your choice you need to ask some questions.
For example, if you contact an agency simply for initial information about their services and costs, and they ask for your information before they will provide answers to your questions. If you are not given the answer to your request for information, stay away from such an agency.
Information about services provided, cost structure and time frames should be provided to you without any knowledge on the company's part regarding your financial situation.
Once you are satisfied with an initial contact, you can ask further questions such as how the procedure will affect your credit reports, how the agency provides assistance with debt management, how does the agency inform you of their activities and does the company offer other money management services.
One of the most important questions to be answered is: what are the agency fees? Some will ask for large amounts of money upfront and large monthly fees. If you can't afford all your debt payments, how will you afford agency fees? Be careful that you don't get into a long, drawn out repayment situation because of charged fees even if the agency claims to be nonprofit.
Using credit agencies requires effort on your part, but you should be able to find a reputable agency to partner with you, and have your interest at the forefront.
When you open a newspaper or go online you will find an abundance of agencies with magical sounding claims about fixing your credit immediately if not sooner. You should be able to tell right away that such claims are nonsense. So, while you're surfing the net you notice that there are some claims to offer you a choice of agencies that, after you give them some of your information, will call you with help. They will call, but not right away. Then they will call again and again. Some may even b e nasty with you.
This third party choice will require some sleuthing on your part before you can comfortably make a selection. Comparison shopping skills are in order for this venture. Before you make your choice you need to ask some questions.
For example, if you contact an agency simply for initial information about their services and costs, and they ask for your information before they will provide answers to your questions. If you are not given the answer to your request for information, stay away from such an agency.
Information about services provided, cost structure and time frames should be provided to you without any knowledge on the company's part regarding your financial situation.
Once you are satisfied with an initial contact, you can ask further questions such as how the procedure will affect your credit reports, how the agency provides assistance with debt management, how does the agency inform you of their activities and does the company offer other money management services.
One of the most important questions to be answered is: what are the agency fees? Some will ask for large amounts of money upfront and large monthly fees. If you can't afford all your debt payments, how will you afford agency fees? Be careful that you don't get into a long, drawn out repayment situation because of charged fees even if the agency claims to be nonprofit.
Using credit agencies requires effort on your part, but you should be able to find a reputable agency to partner with you, and have your interest at the forefront.
About the Author:
With never before seen challenges in the credit markets it?s more important than ever to have excellent credit. For more information check out Rob Kosbergs' Detailed FREE Guide on Maintaining and Repairing your Credit Score by going to Bad Credit Repair for your FREE information.
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