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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Save Money with Collaborative Divorce

By Mike Mastracci

The collaborative divorce model is starting to reach the tipping point. More and more attorneys are becoming trained in collaborative practice as a solution oriented approach to offer their clients. Collaborative divorce is appealing to many people because they view it as a way to save money that would otherwise be spent on huge litigation costs.

When you try to a void hiring an attorney to guide you through the divorce process you will usually regret it. Lack of legal knowledge and experience can result in unnecessary and expensive court delays, incorrect paperwork, missed deadlines, improperly filed documents -- in effect, a real mess. There is a reason people say that only a fool hires himself as an attorney.

There is a smart alternative for those who don't want an expensive litigious divorce that drags through the courts, as well as for those who know better than to try and handle their own important legal affairs. Collaborative divorce allows couples to settle out of court, but with the benefit and assistance of an attorney trained in collaborative law. Collaborative divorce encourages mature, cooperative, non-combative behavior with the goal of arriving at a mutually agreeable settlement.

By engaging in the collaborative divorce process you do not have to contend with arbitrarily imposed court requirements, but can work together to provide your children with maximum financial stability. Both you and children deserve nothing less. If you must separate or divorce, do it with dignity and save a buck or two along the way.

So, where do you find collaboratively trained professionals? The biggest and most valuable network can be found at You can also find many useful articles on collaborative law at

How much you spend on a collaborative case, much like any other domestic cases, will largely depend on the degree that the parties truly cooperate to reach acceptable resolutions of their respective issues and concerns. Fighting and bickering is expensive. It is much cheaper to"play nice.

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